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Food Liability Insurance

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Products and operations that are EXCLUDED in this policy:

  • Alcoholic beverages or products (includes serving, selling, or sub-contracting)
  • Animal/Livestock feed (this does not include pet products)
  • Any product requiring a prescription
  • Any product containing Cannabidiol (CBD), Hemp, or Hemp extract
  • Baby food
  • Commercial farms owned or operated by the insured (your products sold away from the farm are okay)
  • Companies/Operations not in compliance with county, state, and federal food and safety regulations
  • Diet products or cleanses or pills marketed as a 'weight loss' product
  • Energy drinks
  • Grocery store or supermarket retail operations owned or operated by the insured
  • Health coaching
  • Importers - produce or dairy making up more than 20% of total sales
  • Importers - seafood, meat, poultry
  • Kava
  • Kombucha
  • Medical invasive products - intended to stay within body
  • Nutraceuticals, vitamins, supplements, suppositories or products containing pharmaceuticals, drugs or medicines
  • Nutrition consulting
  • Owner or operator of a food court / storefront
  • Restaurant, cafe, bakery, tavern, or similar establishment, with operations where you own or lease the space where customers enter to purchase food/beverages
  • Tobacco related products including e-cigarettes and smokeless products
  • Topical products including soaps, lotions, and bath products